Northparkes Lift2 UG Project

The Northparkes Mine underground Lift 2 conveyor system included mechanical design of three (3) conveyors CV010, CV011 and CV012 conveying primary crushed copper ore from the new Lift 2 block cave underground crusher station located 900 meters underground to the existing underground skip hoist system over 2.8km distance with an overall conveyor lift of 470 meters.

3.0 m/s
CV-010/b> CV-011 CV-012
Year of Construction: 2004 2004 2004
Location: New South Wales, Australia New South Wales, Australia New South Wales, Australia
Length (Tail to Head): 1.005 km 0.25 km 1.73 km
Power: 2,238 kW 30 kW 1275 kW
Capacity: 1,050 tph design / 900 tph nominal 1,050 tph design / 900 tph nominal 1,050 tph design / 900 tph nominal
Strength: ST-2250 N/mm 6PN-150 N/mm ST-3200 N/mm
Speed: 3.0 m/s 1.5 m/s
Material: Crushed Copper Ore Crushed Copper Ore Crushed Copper Ore

Interesting Features:
  • Suspended conveyor modules hung from the drift tunnel roof/back.
  • Conveyor CV010 incorporated a horizontal curve at the head end to compensate for poor geological conditions found during construction.
  • Conveyor lift of 470 meters.
  • Flywheels on each conveyor to extend and match drift stop times.
  • Conveyor CV-010 has 900 meter Convex Curve and a 2,100 meter Horizontal Curve.

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